Thursday, December 7, 2023

Final Post: My Relationship with Technology

Every day I rely on the technology around me to get things done. Whether it is a homework assignment, or reaching out to my mom to see how things are back home, technology is a part of my everyday life.

One day I worry that I will not know what to do without the technology I rely on to get things done. This frightens me.

My relationship with technology could be better. I use my computer a lot to do my homework assignments and my phone to scroll through social media when I don't have anything else to do.

I am not so addicted to my phone that I am on it when I am walking to class or when I'm eating dinner with friends or my family. I just worry that I should be on it less than I am.

I believe that technology is misleading me and giving me false information. What I see through a lens on social media is not always the truth, and I should not believe whatever someone says on social media.

Social Media has been known to spread false information. It does not take news seriously, it is treated as a way to spread information, whether it is true or not.

I worry that people have accepted that false news being spread through social media is a part of our lives. It should not be, we should not be okay with receiving false information. 

I believe that technology has played a negative role in my mental health. The majority of people in my generation have to have the latest technology or they won't be able to "fit in" with everyone else.

Technology has created pressure for me to constantly be connected and keep up with what is going on in the world.

Whenever I get a notification, I feel like I have to check what it is. If I don't check it, I feel that there is something that I am missing out on.

When I see that I am missing out on something a lot of people are posting about, it makes me more depressed. A lot of people have reported feeling this way, and it keeps getting worse.

I believe that it does not have to be this way. If people are more aware of the effects of technology and what we can do to prevent it, it can get better.

Technology also affects my friends and family. I believe my family is not very affected by technology and my friends are impacted negatively.

My family does not spend a lot of time using technology or social media, so it does not affect them very much. They want to do things together and live in the moment, enjoying each others company because they realize we can not truly get to know each other if we are on our devices constantly.

Due to this, I believe that technology plays a positive role in our relationship. It makes us realize that we can not truly connect face-to-face if we are all on our devices.

However, my friends are on their devices constantly. They do everything using technology and probably would not know what to do without it.

I believe this plays a negative role in our relationship because technology is a part of them, and they cannot do anything without it. If they did not have technology, they would not know how to communicate with the outside world.

My technological footprint is almost non existent. When I Google myself, I cannot find any information about myself and other people who have the same name as me appear instead of myself.

I am proud of this because I try to not have too many social media accounts or be online as much as everyone else.

Now that I realize that technology negatively impacts me, I am going to limit its involvement in my life as much as I possibly can. If I limit its involvement in my life as much as possible, then it can not affect me as much.

Final Post: My Relationship with Technology

Every day I rely on the technology around me to get things done. Whether it is a homework assignment, or reaching out to my mom to see how t...