Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog #1: My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

When I was younger, I did not think it was important to look at the news every day. My mom would tell me what was important and I thought that was all I needed to know. 

As I got older, I realized that I need to stay informed on what is going on in the world around me so I could learn about important issues and if there would be anything going on in my area that would affect me. Here are my top 5 sources of news and information... 

1. Samsung News 

Samsung created a news platform for their users to have on their devices. This is convenient, as I only own Samsung devices.

I have found Samsung News to be very useful as I do not have to go to a website to view the latest news. I just open the app on my phone and I can go to a specific category if I want to view news for sports, entertainment, trending news, and news picked "for you".

When I open the app, it gives me a briefing for the day. It will show me top stories I may be interested in, and it will show me smaller stories that are important which I may not hear about on major news networks. 

The platform is simple and easy to use, which makes it my go-to source of news and information. The Trending News section articles help keep me updated with what is going on in the world today. For example, I was able to learn about a secret child Elon Musk and Grimes had but kept a secret.

2. Instagram

Instagram is not only a social media platform, it provides news as well. I can follow major news networks, like ABC and Fox News to view the latest news, or see news while I am scrolling looking at other people's posts.

This is where I got to watch Charles III be crowned as England's new monarch. This was a historic moment for England and being able to watch the ceremony on Instagram was very interesting.

It is convienient and easy to use. If I want to look at the latest news, I can. The amount of news I receive on this platform is in small, bite-size pieces that are easy to digest.

3. Snapchat

When I am responding to friends messages and pictures, I will often look at the "Discover" section under the Stories page on Snapchat. 

This section lets users view their friends stories and gives stories about important events going on in the world.

For instance, I can view stories on politics and what decisions the President has made lately (Good Luck America) and what discoveries have been made in science recently.

The stories are short and to the point, which helps me understand the events and it is easy to watch multiple stories to get updated with what is going on in the world within a matter of minutes.

4. Friends and Family

Often, I do not look at the news as much as I would like to. There is a lot that goes on in my day-to-day life and I cannot spend at least an hour going through the news every day.

However, I talk with my friends and family daily. They tell me about breaking news stories they have seen from watching the news at night, or a story that popped up on social media.

My friends and family tend to see different news than I do, because they spend more time looking at the news on a daily basis. Meaning, I hear about smaller stories that I would not hear about otherwise. 

For instance, my neighbor tells me about news occuring in my hometown, as I am not able to keep up with that as easy as when I'm in my hometown. Today she told me about the request from the University of South Florida being approved for an on-campus football stadium.

5. Google News

I often spend a good amount of time each day looking things up on Google. Google helps me find answers to my questions and gives me breaking news stories when I do not want to visit my other sources of news and information.

The top stories section gives me a rundown of what is occuring in the world without having to go searching for the stories myself. Google always seems to know what's going on around the world.

Google News also has sections that give news for the United States, the World, local news, business, technology, and more. This platform breaks down the news into sections if you only want to focus on a specific category and not others.

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