Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog #5 EOTO Technology Presentations

A technology I learned more about during the EOTO presentations was the Radio.

The Radio changed communication technologies forever. Now people had a way to hear about news right after it happened and not have to wait a few days to read about it in the paper.

The first idea to build the radio occured in the 1890's by an Italian inventer named Guglielmo Marconi. By the late 1890's Marconi had received the official British patent for the radio.

There were other inventors working towards success with the device, but Marconi was the first to acheive success with the radio.

The Radio did not begin to become popular until the 1920's, during World War 1. During the first World War, the Radio was extremely useful with getting information to citizens about the war and what they needed to know.

Churches began to use the Radio to broadcast church services. People no longer had to go to church to be able to listen to the service. People were now able to receive information faster than before.

The Radio also benefited the government. Now the government was able to speak directly to the people, especially during the war.

The government was able to tell the people what they wanted them to hear, which was very important during war time. 

Soldiers were able to obtain information from the government regarding enemies, and if there were any incoming attacks they needed to prepare for.

Soldiers used to have to wait days or even weeks to receive news. Now, they could receive it in a short amount of time.

The radio helped save countless soldiers during the war because of the warning they received from the government.

People did not want to wait days to hear about events occuring in the World War. They wanted to know about things instantly and the Radio helped accomplish this.

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