Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #6: Antiwar Voices

After viewing the websites and The American Conservative, I can see they have strong antiwar voices and that I have never heard of these websites before today.

Mainstream news, such as ABC News and CBS News, promote certain ideas or one side of the arguement. They promote ideas the government wants us to hear, which means we never hear the opposing ideas unless we look for them.

By only hearing ideas the government wants us to hear, we are blind to issues or topics that affect us. It is almost like the government is attempting to censor certain stories or ideas they do not want the American people to be aware of.

For example, reports on casualities in Iraq/American deaths since the war began in 2003. This information cannot be found on mainstream news sites because the government does not want the American people to be aware of it.

If the American people knew about the American deaths in Iraq, they would want answers as to why there were kept in the dark about it and the American government does not want to deal with this.

I believe that we have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices because the government attempts to silence news that disagrees with what they want the American people to hear. The government does not want to have the American people rebelling against their ideas because they like being able to control us.

Even though it goes against the First Amendment to silence people's ideas just because they are different than yours and pose no imminent threat, it does not mean the United States government will not try to do it.

The government will do just about anything to keep their power over the American people, even silencing antiwar news that goes against the ideas they want to keep feeding to the American people.

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