Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #7: Diffusion of Innovations Theory

 The diffusion of innovations theory is an interesting and efficient way to explain why things become popular and the cycle they go through.

I believe the Kindle became popular because it gave book lovers everywhere a new and improved way to read books online. Kindle's main purpose was to create a comfortable e-reading experience for book lovers everywhere.

The reason the Kindle caught on and spread was because people were interested in the idea of an e-reader that would change the way reading online is done. People had faith in the idea and invention, which made it catch on.

So many people became early adopters of the Kindle because they wanted to see if this device would change e-reading and make it an enjoyable experience. Also, there was a lot of readers who were willing to try the new device.

Some people were late adopters because they did not have faith that the Kindle would work and solve the discomfort of e-reading. Also, the idea of e-reading was still relatively new in the late 2000's and some people were not sure it was going to stick around.

The downsides about the Kindle is that it is basically a tablet designed specifically for reading. Some readers (including myself) like the feeling of holding a book in your hands because it gives you a different experience while you read.

Reading a book on a device versus from a book you hold in your hands takes away the experience of reading a book for the first time and feeling the pages between your fingers as you turn them. Lastly, some people do not want to have to buy a device in order to read a book, there are other cost effective ways to read a book.

I believe the positives would outweigh the negatives with this communication technology because of the benefits it has had on e-reading. When you look at the positives versus the negatives with the device, it has more positive impacts than negative ones.

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